Law and Mind 3: Legal Imagination

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Law and Mind 3: Legal Imagination
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The third Law and Mind conference will be devoted to the role of imagination in law, understood broadly. The notion of legal imagination and question of the mental simulation in legal reasoning and judgement is a very fruitful area where legal studies, cognitive science, evolutionary biology and empirical psychology meet.
The aim of the conference is to bring together researchers dealing with the empirical (neuroscientific, psychological, experimental philosophy etc.) aspects of imagination and decision making, as well as philosophers and legal theorists aiming at analysis of the concepts such as imagination and mental simulation and the role they play in political, moral and legal discourse.
Piotr Winkielman (UC San Diego) studies interplay between emotion, cognition, embodiment and consciousness, particularly in the domain of social cognition. In particular, his work explores unconscious affect, affective influences on decisions, and embodiment of affective processing. He also investigates the role of cognitive feelings, such as processing fluency or recall difficulty in a variety of judgments, ranging from attractiveness to memory. His work draws on multiple psychological methods, including those of social neuroscience. He auhtored several international publications and leads the Social Cognition Lab at UCSD.
Corrado Roversi (Universita di Bologna) is an associate professor in legal philosophy at the University of Bologna. He holds a Ph.D. in analytic philosophy and the general theory of law (awarded by the Università Statale in Milan) and has spoken at several national as well as international conferences and seminars. He is assistant editor of Ratio Juris: An International Journal of Jurisprudence and Philosophy of Law (Oxford, Blackwell) and has worked on the project A Treatise of Legal Philosophy and General Jurisprudence (Berlin, Springer), of which he has edited the second tome of its last volume (along with Enrico Pattaro), titled Legal Philosophy in the Twentieth Century: The Civil Law World (2016).
Marta Soniewicka (Jagiellonian University) – Doctor Habil. of Laws, Doctor of Philosophy, an Assistant Professor in the Department of Philosophy of Law and Legal Ethics at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. Her research interests concentrate on the philosophy of law, political philosophy, and ethics. She authored numerous articles, chapters and books including: Human Genetic Selection and Enhancement: Parental Perspectives and Law (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang 2019; co-authored with W. Lewandowski); After God. The Normative Power of the Will from the Nietzschean Perspective, (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang 2017).
Abstract submission: 30 October, 2019
Paper acceptance: 5 November, 2019
The conference will cover the following topics (though papers on other related topics are also welcome):
– Neuroscience and psychology of imagination
– Frameworks for moral, ethical, and legal imagination
– Case studies showing ambiguities in moral and legal decision making
– The role of imagination in problem solving and decision-making
– Imagination and simulation
– Intuition and imagination
– Hermeneutics and cognitive science
– Evolutionary theories of imagination
– Experimental philosophy of imagination
Authors are invited to submit abstracts (1000 words) plus the references, prepared for blind review.
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Important Dates:
Conference: 22-23.11.2019
Abstract submission: 30 October, 2019
Paper acceptance: 5 November, 2019
Early registration: 10 November, 2019
Late registration: 15 November, 2019
Organising Committee:
Bartosz Brożek (chair) Jagiellonian University;
David Roef (co-chair) Maastricht University
Scientific Program Committee:
Local Organising Committee:
Piotr Bystranowski, Marek Jakubiec, Bartosz Janik, Bartłomiej Kucharzyk, Łukasz Kurek, Kamil Mamak, Maciej Próchnicki, Wojciech Wyżykowski