International Congress of Medical Law

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International Congress of Medical Law
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opis wydarzenia:
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The Center for American Studies and the Center for European Studies are honored to invite you to take part in the International Congress of Medical Law – a unique event aimed at the exchange of scholarly and professional ideas between young and experienced academics and practitioners!
➡️ 𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍?
The conference will be held on Saturday, December 2, 2023, from 9.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. online on the Microsoft Teams platform.
The length of the conference depends on the exact number of speakers. In the event of a high number of speakers, we reserve the right to extend the conference also to Sunday, December 3, 2023.
The goal of the International Congress of Medical Law is to discuss a wide range of topics from the intersection of law and medicine, including topics related to healthcare law, medical malpractice, patient rights, bioethics, health policy, and regulatory compliance.
Presentations may focus on recent legal-medical cases and their implications, emerging legal and medical trends, and best practices in legal, medical and ethical decision-making. Presentations may touch upon problems from any geographical location.
Example research areas:
• Medical malpractice laws
• Liability of healthcare providers
• Patient rights (e.g., informed consent)
• The legal implications of emerging healthcare technologies (e.g., artificial intelligence, gene editing, telemedicine)
• Healthcare fraud and abuse laws
• Ethical issues in clinical research and drug development
• The intersection of medical and disability law
• Legal issues related to end-of-life care and euthanasia
• Health policy in various countries (e.g. Poland, Germany, China, Brazil, the United States)
• Healthcare reform
• Legal considerations for healthcare organizations and administrators
• The role of medical malpractice insurance in healthcare delivery and quality.
And many more!
The thematic areas indicated above are only exemplary. We strongly encourage you to go beyond them. In addition, the speeches may be interdisciplinary, combining various fields of science.
We believe in academic freedom. Original presentations will always gain interest from the Conference Committee.
• Students, Ph.D. students, experienced researchers, as well as legal and medical practitioners and all others interested in the above-indicated fields of research can actively participate in the conference as speakers.
• Passive participants (audience) do not need to possess any prior academic knowledge or background.
• Prof. Christopher Kelley, LL.M. (University of Arkansas School of Law) – Chairman of the Committee.
• Attorney Valery Loumber, J.D. (Gavrilov & Brooks Law Firm, Sacramento/Los Angeles; Center for American Studies Director of Academic Affairs) – Committee Member.
• Lilya Kurii, Ph.D. (Center for American Studies Ukraine, earlier: Chmielnicki National University) – Committee Member.
• Luke Darby Bartosik, LL.M. (President of the Center for American Studies) – Secretary of the Committee.
Steps necessary to register for the conference as an active participant (conference speaker):
1️⃣ Submit an abstract (200-300 words) and register via the Speaker Application Form at:
2️⃣ Register via the Speaker Application Form by 23.59 on November 22, 2023 (we will not extend this deadline).
🔒We reserve the right to select abstracts.
📣The results of the abstract selection process will be announced by November 23, 2023.
3️⃣ Pay the conference fee to the bank account number that will be provided to the qualified speakers via email. The fee must be paid by November 26, 2023 at the latest.
Steps necessary to register for the conference by a passive participant (audience):
1️⃣ Register via the Audience Registration Form at:
2️⃣ Register using the Audience Registration Form by midnight on November 25, 2023 (we will not extend this deadline). Failure to register using the form will result in the inability to passively participate in the conference (and thus the inability to receive a conference audience certificate).
3️⃣ Pay the fee to the bank account number that will be provided to the audience via email. The fee must be paid by November 28, 2023, at the latest. (Audience will have a chance to see the conference schedule before paying the fee).
➤ SPEAKERS – 2 options:
• 215 PLN / 50 EUR – digital certificate (PDF for self-printing) sent via email (widely-recognized equivalent of the traditional certificate).
–– OR ––
• 235 PLN / 60 EUR – traditional certificate sent via post
➤ AUDIENCE – 2 options:
• 109 PLN / 25 EUR – digital certificate (PDF for self-printing) sent via email (widely-recognized equivalent of the traditional certificate).
–– OR ––
• 139 PLN / 35 EUR – traditional certificate sent via post
Important! Please use the following pattern when filling in the transfer title field when making the payment of your conference fee*: ” – fee for active / passive participation (select the appropriate one) –
* Failure to do so may result in delays in posting the fee on the appropriate account and, consequently, even exclude your participation in the conference.
In the case of a co-authorship of a presentation by two or more speakers, please pay the fee for each of the co-speakers separately.
The organizers anticipate the possibility of publication in the form of a monograph. However, such possibility will depend on the number of authors willing to publish their text (chapter) in a monograph. The price for participation in the conference does not include the publication fee.
➡️ 𝐅𝐀𝐐
• It is possible to receive a VAT invoice (please request it in the registration form)
• The fee is non-refundable
• The link to the online conference room will be made available to registered participants within 24 hours before the start of the conference
• It is possible to deliver a conference presentation by two or more speakers (the fee should be multiplied by the number of speakers)
• The presentation time is 15-25 minutes (depending on the fact of giving a solo or duet presentation and the total number of presentations during the conference)
• Certificates are usually sent via traditional post within 2 months after the conference but because of approaching scholarship deadlines, you will get your certificate by mid-September
• Digital certificates are sent to *all* participants within one week from the conference
• The Center For American Studies arranges the order of presentations. The exact time of speaking at the conference is pre-determined by CFAS (it will be not possible to change the time of your conference presentation set in the conference schedule).
• Terms of Service (Conference Rules and Regulations):
If you have any questions, please send an email to the Conference Coordinator, Dr. Lilya Kurii, at We will gladly help.
See you at the conference!